As people are considering renovating their home or parts of it, the spaces that get priority seem to be bathrooms and kitchens. I see a great increase in demand for making spaces safe and accessible, as people are thinking of their future. Many plan to stay in their current homes for as long as possible. The right kind of design can future-proof spaces like bathrooms for almost any situation. CAPS (Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist) is a designation recognizing a person who has studied, taken in-person classes and passed the tests for making spaces safe, accessible and more for anyone with limitations or challenges. Such needs may arise from an accident, progressive illness or simply natural aging. As a CAPS designer, my knowledge goes beyond ADA (American Disability Act) and Universal Design requirements. We focus on finding solutions for specific needs for each client to ease their maneuvering in their space safely. There’s not a one-solution-fits-all approach. Each person varies in size, proportion and their life situation. For instance, safety-bar heights and locations vary from person to person. There may be some limitations, such as budget or structural issues, for making a space completely accessible. However, we make the best effort to […] Read more!

I was writing in my journal this morning on the quiet beach, accompanied only by the waves crashing on the shore and a lonely dolphin circling sluggishly next to the bridge-like reflection the sun created on the water. I reflected back to the past few months, filled with many interesting and diverse projects, from creative designing and planning, weekend job site visits, meetings, installations and a challenging but gratifying faux finish project, to studying, taking classes and becoming a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPS) in the midst of it all. I find it surprising that CAPS and Aging-in-Place are not widely recognized by many people I have met at different events, even though it’s an inevitable and important issue. There’s nothing more evident than change in all levels of our lives, all around us. There’s no stopping of time moving on. We are all part of this cycle, admit it or not. AIP, or aging-in-place, affects all of us, regardless of age. Many of us dream of owning a home or a house at one point of our lives. It is usually the biggest monetary investment of a lifetime. First it may be a smaller starter home. Then perhaps a bigger […] Read more!