Feng Shui
Do you want to bring balance and harmony to your environment?
Are your surroundings supporting you the way they could and should?
Are you ready to get relief from the chaos that seems to be surrounding us wherever we go?
Are you planning to move or build a new home or business?
Would you like to enhance and change some aspects of your life?
Do any of the areas of your life seem stuck or sluggish, such as career, relationships, finances, health, learning, family, wealth, creativity or reputation?
If you can say “yes” to any of these questions, consider letting us help you use Feng Shui to redirect or balance the flow of energy.
Feng Shui has been used in China, and in its other cultural forms in other Asian countries, for thousands of years. It is the vehicle to ensure and balance the flow of energy, or Chi, through an environment. Our environment and surroundings affect our bodies, well-being and businesses on many levels. In turn, we affect everything.
Finn Design’s Riitta Ylonen is a Florida state-licensed interior designer and certified Feng Shui consultant. She has studied different schools of Feng Shui for more than two decades. Using this intuitive and practical art and science, she helps bring people and their environments into harmony within their surroundings and create auspicious environments for living and working.

Translated literally, Feng Shui means Wind and Water. Everything in the universe and around us consists of two complementary opposites, Yin and Yang. Some of the qualities for Yin and Yang are dark and light, cold and hot, earth and heaven, feminine and masculine. Yin and Yang forces are constantly moving, changing and interconnecting with each other and together create all aspects of life and matter.
With Feng Shui, we can help balance and bring harmony to our environments and different life situations. With Feng Shui, we can add energy where needed and balance it where there is too much. When surroundings are in balance, the flow of chi or energy is effortless, and things go smoothly. However, if there is disharmony or a missing area in one’s environment, that will have an effect on the building itself and the occupants.

There are several different schools of Feng Shui. Some are based on cardinal compass directions, land formations and front door location, or access to a building or site. Nine Star Ki calculations are based on astrology, and each star is associated with one of the trigrams around the Yin and Yang symbol. A birthdate also lets us determine the principal element, and beneficial directions, forms, colors and materials that are associated with each person.
A bagua or Feng Shui map is used for analyzing a room, building, lot, or space. Also, it lets us understand the areas related to life and their relationship to each other, and to our physical environment. Its use varies slightly based on the school of Feng Shui.
In our study, analysis and consultations, we utilize one or more schools of Feng Shui. The site, building or location lets us determine which is the most beneficial method, school or combination of schools to maximize the most promotion, potential and well-being for a person, home, building or place of business.
Off-site consultations are available, as well as on-site consultations, if located locally.

What we will do:
• Study and analysis of a floor plan.
• Calculate the clients’ elements.
• Study and analysis of nine star ki and yearly flying stars.
What you will get:
• Suggestions for rectifying any issues detected on the floor plan.
• Bagua placed on the clients’ floor plan, clients’ elemental information and suggestions for cures and enhancements.
• Pertinent information for nine star ki and flying star.
How much does it cost?
Smaller spaces start at about $333. We’ll figure out the final cost after we determine the size and complexity of the project, and if the consultation is conducted off-site or on-site (if located locally).
What’s needed from client for the analysis:
You will get a detailed questionnaire with requirements for additional items so we have what we need to start. (This includes some form of a floor plan, specified on the last page of the questionnaire, and additional information about the home and the occupants. Same will apply for business establishments.) Based on the questionnaire (and answers to any additional questions we may have), we can determine the cost for your specific space. I will email you an invoice for the fee we agree upon. (You can pay with a credit card or electronically.)
After we receive your payment, answers to the questionnaire and any additional information we may need, we’ll proceed to the analysis. You will receive your package within two to three weeks (a summary and suggestions or notes, plus additional supporting forms via electronic format or in person if we do an on-site consultation.
Are you ready for a change?
Please fill out our contact form. After we get your request, we’ll send you to our Feng Shui Questionnaire to gather information pertinent to our custom analysis.